Please Consider a Gift on Giving Tuesday

Canada SCORES Toronto was established in January 2024 to expand the reach and impact of the proven SCORES model to one of the largest and most populous regions of Canada, the Greater Toronto Area.

Through the North American wide affiliate network we are part of, over 20,000 vulnerable children participaie in FREE after school programs where they can improve their physical fitness, develop new levels of confidence and learn the values of teamwork and collaboration that will help them as they grow up.

Today, on Giving Tuesday we at Canada SCORES Toronto invite you to join us and unite for a common cause.

You can join us in our mission is to inspire vulnerable children & youth to lead healthy lives, be engaged students, and have the confidence and character to make a difference in the world. 

Thank you for considering our cause this Giving Tuesday. Your generosity and commitment to our youth mean the world to us.


View recent news and articles below:


Expanding Our Impact: Growth of Canada SCORES' National Board


Five Days to Giving Tuesday